the with were their in all great numbers of fine even long this very heavy are on every after a went to tortoises, but these islands appear for whole three is so that single ship's company will here from short black lava beach by large most they as over which sea. well become when i proceeded different such little would better an arctic, than birds strangers huge within four quietly about bushes not stones being thrown at killed one my we our ascended broken remains low crater. volcano had been away composed volcanic few country was small chimneys subterranean hunting brought weighed during two coast anchor where found there green. first covered leafless appearance. almost plant or now both its landed miles might above have more exact said counted truncated hillocks, only plain lava. age various streams distinctly marked latter modern nothing can be imagined rough surface has aptly compared sea petrified boisterous no irregular undulations, nor deep chasms. craters consisting ring circular craters, formed probably time me full it known walk met eating then walked other gave hiss drew head. could surrounded lava, cacti, appeared antediluvian inhabitants some slept morning having collected many evening day glowing hot, equator crossed charles island. settlement five years down situated nearly island, inland, part road passed through chatham dry soil wood gradually round highest ridge cooled southerly refreshed green out sweet potatoes houses scattered cultivated form what since seen trees easily how pleasant peru northern mud plants owing quantity rain island singularly any number people banished political crimes (quito archipelago far course vessels main under without several generally subject wild pigs woods article animal food yet week. much frigate is, formerly immense must (which animals, coarse grass old hills, summit less perfect depression. lower parts flowed surface, fertile vegetation. probable towards anchored origin them; next day, sea, between narborough up, saw jet horrid naked

be the crater of an is as it were about 75 miles several or great from to by formed other leaving small water on only has been out a for this with few which we had have found our in sandstone that not was round its i manner saw at charles his side many them crater, elliptic less than longer axis 500 bottom occupied lake, tiny island. day hot; lake looked hurried down cindery choked my salt brine. some but streams their more sterile here another large one part sailed during greater two stood end whole same dry studded very black being so much should think would difficult find entirely 8th reached myself, three men provisions, there wait till returned party sent meat employed these us island others over if any admirable nearly wind heat oppressive. days, thermometer within hours open air, sun, sand hot, placed brown immediately rose how higher do graduated above felt hotter, thick boots it. recent height and after put